MTI 635: Digital Business Management       (2 Credit Hours)

Digital Strategy and Leadership: integrating strategy, digital transformation, business model innovation through the convergence of technology and business processes with human values; maintenance of digital ecosystem, restoration and protection of digital environment. Customer Experience Management: definition of customer experience management. Digital Technology and Innovation: chief information officer (CIO), agile frameworks, cyber security and risk management, IT investments, and vendor management. Digital Business Models: emerging business models in ICT age, strategic values of emerging technologies (cloud computing, social media, big data, the internet of things etc), aligning technological opportunities with business strategy. Digital Business Applications: efficient and effective use of IT to conduct business, ethical and legal issues pertaining to business, communication through the utilization of audio and video applications, working with digital images and print media using cloud based design graphics (e.g., canva,, piktochart, etc.). Business Analytics: definition of business analytics, types of business analytics and their applications.