In this category the courses here are offered by all students irrespective of their programme.

ACE 701: Advanced Methods of Engineering Design and Systems Analysis

(3 Credit Hours)

Advanced version of ACE 601


ACE 701: Synopsis and Research Grant Writing (3 Credit Hours)

Choice of broad research area with considerations of interdisciplinary topics, Identification of research/ knowledge gaps and research objectives. Role of technical reports in engineering projects. Fundamental principles of technical writing. Format of different types of reports, outlines, purpose and scope, technical discussion details, role of appendix, function of figures, equation editors, tables and illustration. Literature search, references (citing’s and listings).

Nature of recommendations and conclusions. Guides for writing memoranda, business letters.

Oral presentation of technical reports and thesis. Synopsis writing Developing long-term research plan, Identification of potential funding agencies and their requirements. Research objectives in relation to interests of the funding agencies. Estimating Page 13 of 14 research timelines, Budget preparation, manpower requirements and availability, research facilities, legal issues, etc.

ACE 601: Advanced Methods of Engineering Design and Analysis (3 Credit Hours)

Philosophy of Engineering Design: techniques and analysis, synthesis and evaluation; The creative process: Design in the Corporate Environment: engineering research, marketing, finance and other corporate functions – and comprehensive design. Development Engineering; postinitial design development of new products, value engineering; development testing vs experimental research; case studies. Integrated treatment of mathematical modeling and analysis of systems. Modeling linear and nonlinear systems and their performance under transient, periodic and random loads, time domain and transfer techniques for linear continuous and discrete time systems. Transfer function, integral equation representation, and  state model for selected control systems. State variable methods. State transition matrix for time- invariant and time varying continuous and discrete systems. Solving practical Engineering problems using MATLAB/SIMULINK, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, etc). Adjoint Systems. Singularity functions and superposition integrals for linear systems. Distributed parameter system analysis.

Selected numerical analysis methods and applications. Theory of design, material consideration, optimization techniques, similitude, stability, design of experiments and evaluation of results.

PGC 601: Research Methodology and ICT in Engineering (3 Credit Hours)

Use of advanced analytical tools like MATLAB/SIMULINK, SCILAB/XCOS, etc. for solution of engineering problems and their applications (Application of these softwares depends on the various problems formulated in different departments). Information literacy, information sources (media, publishers, aggregators); validity of information, plagiarism and legal aspects.

Information search – search engines, journal repositories, academic (social) networks, search strategies, personal contacts, tools for managing references. Integrating information literacy in research, cloud computing, audiovisual tools, e.g. PowerPoint presentations. Literature review:

Reading and summarizing relevant articles, critical analysis and evaluation of research, identification of themes and comparators, writing review documents and identification of research (or knowledge) gaps. Scientific method and nature of evidence: Experimental methods and design methods (as may be applicable to individual departments and research areas), data collection and management of quantitative data. Human participants – expert reviews, focus groups, questionnaires and interviews. Project management and report writing: project planning, report structure and style, general report writing techniques.