First Semester

Course Code Title Credit Hours

Ancillary Courses

PGC 601 Research Methodology and ICT in Engineering 3

ACE 601 Methods of Engineering Design and Systems Analysis 3

ACE 603 Masters Seminar 3

Compulsory Core Courses

ACE 611 Introduction to Renewable and New Energy Technologies 3

ACE 621 Advanced Thermodynamics I 3

ACE 623 Solar Energy Conversion 3

ACE 625 Power System Analysis I 3

ACE 627 Power System Monitoring and Protection 3

Sub-Total 24

Second Semester

Ancillary Courses

ACE 602 Industrial Internship 1

ACE 692 Masters Project 6

Compulsory Core Courses

ACE 622 Advanced Thermodynamics II 3

ACE 624 Power System Analysis II 3

ACE 626 Power System Plant Design 3

ACE 628 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3

Elective Core Courses (Candidates to Choose Two)

ACE 676 Power Grid Technology and Substation Design 3

ACE 678 Power Systems Communication and Control 3

ACE 682 Advanced Heat & Mass Transfer 3

ACE 684 Direct Energy Conversion 3

Sub-Total 25

Grand Total 49

ACE 721 Advanced Thermodynamics III (3 Credit Hours)

Equilibrium. First law. Second law. State principle, Zeroth law. Criteria for equilibrium.

Temperature, Entropy and Exergy Analysis, Exergetic (Second law) efficiency, Chemical Exergy. Maxwell Relations. Open systems. Phase rule. Systems of one and two components.

Idealized and real gases, mixtures, and solutions. Equations of state. Thermodynamic potentials.

Heats of formation. Chemical Reactions. Chemical equilibrium and combustion in complex reacting systems. Frozen states in gas dissociation. Real gas dynamic applications. Emission of pollutants.

Statistical thermodynamics: Systems and ensembles. Third law. Kinetic theory. Maxwell’s transfer equation. Thermodynamics equilibrium and viscous, heat conducting gases. Boltzmann statistics, quantum statistics. Dilute gas properties.

ACE 625 Power System Analysis I (3 Credit Hours)

Power Flow Problems – numerical methods for solution of AC and DC models of the power system. Analysis of faulted power system - balanced and unbalanced faults. Symmetrical components, sequence impedances of power system components – transmission lines, series and shunt faults, simultaneous faults. Power System Stability – Analysis of steady state stability of simple and complex power system.

ACE 621 Advanced Thermodynamics I (3 Credit Hours)

Equilibrium. First law. Second law. State principle, Zeroth law. Criteria for equilibrium.

Temperature, Entropy and Exergy Analysis, Exergetic (Second law) efficiency, Chemical

Exergy. Maxwell Relations. Open systems. Phase rule. Systems of one and two components.

Idealized and real gases, mixtures, and solutions. Equations of state. Thermodynamic potentials.

Heats of formation. Chemical Reactions. Chemical equilibrium and combustion in complex

reacting systems. Frozen states in gas dissociation. Real gas dynamic applications. Emission of
